Today I received this swap in the mail. It was made by Daniëlle from the Dolls and Decorations forum....thanks girl, eventhough you said it was a hard picture to scrap, I really like what you've done with it.
And this is a little sneak peak of the swap I made for you...hope you'll like it too....xxx Wendy.

4 opmerkingen:
gave dingen heb je weer gemaakt Wendy en leuk die foto's met de pompoenen, leuk om te scrappen!
Nice LO by Danielle, and a promising sneak peek by you. Looking forward to see the rest of the layout.
Woow.. love what Danielle did for you!! This is awesome! And your sneak peek ROCKS.. can't wait to see the rest of it!!
Wauwie....dat ziet er goed uit je sneak peak... ben reuze benieuwd naar de rest....
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