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"It's good to share!" October Contest

October is a great month for many reasons. As fall sets in we tend to become a little more introverted. As the colors turn outside, our thoughts tend to turn to preparing for winter. Even those of us who live in more temperate climates recognize that there is change in the air. Piggy Tales became a business only 3 years ago in October 2006. We've had the pleasure of watching this little piglet sprout and grow and we thank you all for sharing that with us. We thought it would be a good idea to offer something fun for Octobers contest, something we haven't done before. So, for the month of October we are asking you to share Piggy Tales with someone you care about. If you haven't already, visit our sign up page at; and sign up to receive the FREE Piggy Tales digital newsletter, you'll also receive sneak peeks, coupons, product announcements, ideas, inspiration and MORE! Then have your friends go to and click on "Newsletter Sign Up". Be sure to have your friends list their name, email address, state and who referred them. We will pick 3 lucky participants and their referring friends to win $50 each in Piggy Tales product. Contest will end October 31st, 2009. Good Luck!
So, I'll be crossing my fingers, hope you do too. LOL See you next time, have a lot to share, just need some extra time.
Dus...ik houd mijn vingers gekruist, hopelijk jij ook. LOL Tot de volgende keer, ik heb wel het een en ander te laten nog de tijd vinden.